News - Apr 17, 2020
A clip report on participatory organic farming in Burkina for healthy and accessible food
The Bio SPG label, recognized by the State, makes it possible to guarantee, with local resources, organic production while implementing an active participation space for the stakeholders concerned
Burkina-Faso is one of the most active countries in organic production in West Africa, but:
- organic production mainly concerned shea, sesame, cashew, cotton and some fruits and was intended for export
- Organic certification was carried out by international third parties
- the almost non-existent consumption of organic products locally
This is why this SPG (Participatory Guarantee System) was created. It is a locally oriented quality assurance system which certifies producers on the basis of active participation of the stakeholders and is built on a basis of trust, networks and knowledge exchange.
See the video below:
What is the interest of a Participatory Guarantee System?
- It reduces costs compared to an international third-party certification
- It makes it possible to create its own operation, and not that imposed by a third party, within the framework of co-construction of the standard between the actors of a value chain (quality, price, distribution, promotion ...)
- It allows technical learning between producers on soil regeneration, biocontrol, cultural associations, production planning
- Its recognition by Burkinabè law leads to a solid guarantee of conformity framed by a public standard and official procedures which build trust with local consumers
- It allows to promote and ensure the promotion of local products and know-how for better opportunities and access to the market
What are the future challenges?
- Increase the number of producers and consumers to cover all regions of Burkina-Faso
- Carry out more training for producers for better technical control of production
- Decentralize the action of CNABio for increased proximity to producers and consumers
- Develop recognition of the Label with the other countries of the sub-region through UEMOA or ECOWAS
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