News - Oct 17, 2024

Towards a crop forecasting system for cashew nuts in Côte d'Ivoire

An Ivorian delegation comprising members of the Conseil du Coton et de l’Anacarde and other associated initiatives took part in a scientific exchange mission to France from September 18th to 20th 2024 organised by Nitidæ

As part of its efforts to strengthen the cashew industry in Côte d'Ivoire, the Conseil du Coton et de l'Anacarde (CCA) is developing a crop forecasting system, essential for optimizing planning and marketing strategies. The N'lab is at the heart of this project, developing a forecasting model based on satellite data, inspired by proven models for other crops. To support this initiative, an Ivorian delegation comprising members of the CCA, PNRA (1) and FIRCA (2) took part in a scientific exchange mission to France, from September 18 to 20, 2024. The mission, organized by Nitidæ, was aimed at sharing scientific advances and studying crop forecasting models adapted to the cashew industry.

The program began in Montpellier with an in-depth presentation of Nitidæ's expertise in the cashew industry, followed by a sharing of the results and advances of the ANAGROCLIM project. This innovative project aims to provide decision-making tools based on local agroclimatic conditions, enabling industry players to better anticipate harvests in the light of climatic variations and changes in cultivated areas.

The delegation then travelled to Chatte, where they visited the Station d’Expérimentation Nucicole Rhône-Alpes (SENuRA) (3). The SENuRA team shared their expertise on the walnut harvest forecasting model developed for the Comité Interprofessionnel de la Noix de Grenoble (CING) (4). This model, and the challenges encountered during its implementation, could serve as inspiration for the design of a similar system, adapted to the specificities of the cashew sector in Côte d'Ivoire.

The delegation at the SENuRA station

Prospects for the cashew industry in Côte d'Ivoire

The fruitful exchanges between Ivorian and French experts have enabled a deeper understanding of the issues involved in crop forecasting in the cashew industry. This collaboration should lead to the creation of a high-performance forecasting model, tailored to local realities in Côte d'Ivoire. Ultimately, this initiative will pave the way for more resilient agricultural practices, while strengthening the cashew industry's competitiveness on international markets.

(1) Programme National de Recherche sur l’Anacarde, the National Research Program on Cashew
(2) Fond Interprofessionnel pour la Recherche et le Conseil Agricole, the Interprofessional Fund for Research and Agricultural Counseling
(3) Walnut Experimentation Station of Rhône-Alpes
(4) Grenoble’s Walnut Interprofessional Comitee

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