BIOSCENEMADA - Scenarios of biodiversity evolution under the combined effect of climate change and deforestation in Madagascar
Main goals
Separated from Africa and then from India, respectively 165 and 88 million years ago, the fauna and flora of Madagascar evolved in isolation. The island is known worldwide for its incredible biodiversity, characterized by high rates of endemism, significant diversity of species and the complete absence of other groups. This biodiversity is mainly concentrated in the tropical forests and is highly threatened by deforestation and climate change.
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R1. Improve the effectiveness of the protected area network and ensure that REDD + National Program maximizes co-benefits of carbon projects for biodiversity
R2. Provide tools to assess co-benefits in terms of projects biodiversity implemented in the field
R3. Identify refuge areas for biodiversity in the face of climate changes and prioritize conservation efforts in the field (eg identifying refuge areas at high risk of deforestation)
Using biodiversity maps from data collected by the project REBIOMA, as well as demographic and deforestation models, proposes to estimate the loss of biodiversity associated with:
- Different scenarios of population growth and deforestation at the national level,
- Different climate change scenarios (eg GIECC scenarios A2a and B2a) by producing future biodiversity maps (obtained from climate niche models) and identifying refuge areas and areas at high risk of biodiversity loss,
- The joint effect of climate and deforestation.
In fine, by comparing current and future biodiversity maps, BioScene Mada aims to identify priority areas for the conservation of biodiversity (eg refuge areas at high risk of deforestation).
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