CARBONEX - Consulting services to support targeted analysis on NDC implementation - Forest/cocoa and national climate infrastructure
Main goals
Côte d’Ivoire is particularly active in the field of climate change mitigation and the fight against deforestation, which is one of the most pressing issues in the country (deforestation rate mainly due to cocoa production). This is illustrated by the several policies and instruments that were developed (REDD+, the National Forest Monitoring System, the Integrated Safeguards information system (SIS), the National MRV system, the Emission Reductions Programme (ER-Program), etc.) and which can help the country in the operationalization of Paris Agreement article 6.
Côte d’Ivoire has made some engagements as part of its second Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) issued in 2022, tailored to be aligned with the Paris Agreement, which sets out in its Article 6 the instruments for a country to benefit from carbon revenues.
The purpose of this study is to review and assess the relevance of these instruments and to provide recommendations on how to mobilise them to benefit from Article 6 modalities.
Specific objectives
SO1. Assessment of existing initiatives, policies and strategies which will give an exhaustive list and description of the instruments that can have an impact on Côte d’Ivoire climate change strategy, NDC and Article 6
SO2. Assessment of the economic impact of the forestry and agriculture activities foreseen in the NDC, with a focus on cocoa
SO3. Assessment of the readiness of the instruments to facilitate the operationalization of Article 6
SO4. Development of an Article 6 strategy and action plan based on Côte d’Ivoire’s climate instruments assessed in the previous activities

Carbon storage capacity depending on the origin of the trees. E.Sanial 2022
Focus on Article 6
Article 6 of the Paris Agreement allows for cooperation between countries to achieve their NDC targets. Under Article 6, countries will be able to « trade » their carbon credits corresponding to the reduction of their GHG emissions. Article 6 can provide an additional financial support (corresponding to conditional commitments of their NDC) for countries such as Côte d’Ivoire to achieve their mitigation objectives. Several sub-articles are of interest :
Article 6.2 which sets the rules for trading in GHG emission reductions (or “mitigation outcomes”) between countries. This article allows for bilateral or plurilateral cooperation between countries can be established through a mutually agreed policy and governance framework.
Article 6.4, in some ways similar to the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol, which establishes a mechanism for trading GHG emission reductions between countries.
Article 6.8 which recognizes non-market approaches to promote mitigation and adaptation, meaning that no trading of carbon credit occurs (eg. cooperation through finance, technology transfer, and capacity building).
Related people
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Ulrich Allé
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