
Forest & REDD+

Ensuring the preservation of forest ecosystems and the sustainable management of forests
  • Support for the sustainable exploitation of forests that allow the exploitation of wood for the benefit of the conservation of the forests and the populations that depend on it; this can be done through the creation of new protected areas, the development of management plans, or other complementary activities closely involving local governments and populations
  • Close support for farmers to change agricultural production methods towards ecologically intensive and economically profitable systems (notably cash crops for export)
  • The promotion of wood energy plantations coupled with more efficient cooking technologies
  • Ideally, the establishment of processes of land tenure security

The measurement of the impacts (carbon, biodiversity, standard of living of populations, etc.) of REDD + projects implemented by Nitidæ is ensured by its Lab '- see the page "initiative: the Lab". These measures are then validated by international standards (VCS, CCBA) to monetarily enhance the results obtained.

Beyond the project scale, Nitidæ actively participates in the development of national REDD + strategies in countries where it operates, in close collaboration with national governments (Madagascar, Mozambique, Côte d'Ivoire).

Key figures

In 2017, tropical forests suffered a loss of 15.8 million hectares, the area of Bangladesh, and the equivalent of 40 football fields deforested every minute over a year (Global Forest Watch, 2017) The Forest Sector / Agriculture is responsible for 25% of global greenhouse gas emissions (IPCC, 2014)

Projets associés

Notre équipe qui travaille sur ce thème:


Matthieu Tiberghien

Holder of a Master's degree in Management from the Paris-Dauphine University and a Master in "Social Policies and Planning in developing Countries" from the London School of Economics, he brings his expertise in project building and project management in renewable energy, REDD+, technical engineering, economic and financial due diligence, business development, strategic partnerships, fundraising and human ressources management

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Country representative in Mozambique

Jean-Baptiste Roelens

Holder of a master Tropical environment and Biodiversity, he worked for 3 years in French Guyana, notably as forest ecology and soil science research officer at CIRAD. From 2008 to 2016 he worked at the WWF in Madagascar, France and Democratic Republic of Congo as Forest and Climate program manager. At WWF, he supported conservation, forest landscape restoration and REDD+ projects, he also conducted campaign and advocacy work on forest policies and energy infrastructure development. He joined Etc Terra - then nitidæ - in May 2016 as MOZBIO project manager around the Gilé national reserve in the Zambézia province in Mozambique.

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Country representative in Côte d'Ivoire

Renaud Lapeyre

PhD in environmental and development economics (ENS Cachan, University of Versailles St Quentin-en-Yvelines), he is expert in conservation finance, including through ecotourism and innovative financial mechanisms (PES), and he specialised in international cooperation programs. He worked several years in Namibia, Morocco, and Kenya. In 2012, he joined Iddri (SciencesPo Paris) as senior researcher in biodiversity economics, before joining WWF France in 2017, as a manager for public sector partnerships

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Country representative in Madagascar

Tovondriaka Rakotobe

With a degree in science - coupled with a background in administration and environmental economics - he has over twenty-five years of experience in sustainable development in a variety of fields: protected areas management, environmental management (planning, information system, environmental impact assessments), quality management at the National Office for the Environment, natural resource management, carbone finance

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Project Manager / Forest & REDD + / France

Marie Nourtier

PhD in Forest sciences conducted at INRA Avignon, EMMAH research lab, she brings her expertise in forest ecology, support for REDD+ mechanism and carbon accounting, Environmental and social impact assessment of projects, project management and supervision of technical work

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Project officer / Forest & REDD + / France

Frédérique Montfort

Doctor of AgroParisTech in environmental sciences, she brings her expertise on the biodiversity component and on the degradation and restoration of forest landscapes. She joined N’Lab de Nitidæ in 2017 to carry out her thesis with the association, UR Forêts & Sociétés and UMR Tétis on the degradation and restoration of Miombo forest landscapes in Mozambique. She is currently conducting studies and technical support (capacity building, technology transfer) on various projects of the association

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Project Manager / France

Clovis Grinand

PhD in Functional Ecology and Agronomic Sciences (SupAgro, IRD and CIRAD) and specialized in Localized Information Systems for Spatial Planning (AgroParisTech), he is an expert in land use change monitoring using remote sensing, digital soil mapping and spatial modeling applied to forestry, agronomy and landscape ecology. He is the author of numerous international scientific publications.

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Mission officer / France

Etienne Duperron

Graduated of an agricultural engineering school (INP-ENSAT), he specialized in spatial information processing via the Master 2 in Geomatics Sciences in Environment and Planning (SIGMA) from the University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès. After working for two years on forest degradation and reforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, he joined the team to provide support on processing, analysis and spatial modeling related to the development and sustainability of territories, mainly in Mozambique

Carbon task officer / Forest & REDD+ / France

Lucas Veysman

Agricultural engineer with training in “Agricultural Development” at AgroParisTech. After working on the development of public policies for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions at the Banque de France, he joined the team with his expertise in the decarbonization of agricultural sectors. He is specialized in evaluating the quantities of greenhouse gases emitted, avoided and sequestered during Nitidæ projects. His other mission is to calculate greenhouse gas emissions generated by supplies of tropical products, particularly for sectors sensitive to changes in land use

Task officer / Forest & REDD+ / France

Marc Bouvier

PhD from AgroParisTech in environmental sciences, he brings his expertise in remote sensing and vegetation modeling. His thesis, carried out between INRAE and the University of Sherbrooke in Canada, allowed him to develop skills in mapping forest ecosystems. With experience in a design office and at the IRD, he joined N'lab' in 2024 to put his skills at the service of innovative projects, notably Anagroclim with the mapping and yield forecasting of cashew trees orchards

R&D Project Manager - Remote Sensing and Biodiversity / Forest & REDD+ / France

Beatriz Bellón

With a doctorate in geomatics (AgroParisTech/CIRAD), she brings her expertise in remote sensing and modeling to various R&D projects of the association, and in particular on the biodiversity and degradation and restoration components of forest landscapes. At the same time, she carries out studies and technical support (capacity building, technology transfer) within the association. She joined the N’Lab in Nitidæ in 2024 after completing a thesis on the mapping of agricultural systems, and five years of postdoctoral research on the links between landscape changes and biodiversity in different tropical countries. Her research work has resulted in operational mapping and modeling tools and numerous scientific publications of international rank.

Forestry Advisor / Forest & REDD+ / Burkina-Faso

Ardjata Sontie

Rural Development Engineer, Waters and Forests option at the Rural Development Institute of the Nazi Boni University of Bobo, she conducted research on the production and genetic variability of shea at INERA, and on solutions for adaptation to climate change and the contribution of vegetation to the resilience of the population in WASCAL. She brings her expertise in supporting communities on good management practices and protection of community forests

Project DESIRA Manager / Agro-Botanist / Côte d'Ivoire

Rolande Kouassi Ettien

Botanist, Rolande holds a Master 2 in Systematics, Ecology and Biodiversity. She currently holds the position of Agro-Botanist for the Mé REDD+ Project. She mainly brings her expertise on cocoa agroforestry plots, the management of organic cocoa cooperatives and the Organic and Fair Trade certification.

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Project Coordinator / Côte d'Ivoire

Denis Koffi Méa

Holder of a Master 2 in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System, Denis joined Nitidæ Côte d'Ivoire in December 2016 to supervise land use planning activities (development of local development plans) and land tenure security for the REDD + Project. of soul. He is now the manager of the PAP-Bio Comoé project.

Monitoring-evaluator / Forest & REDD+ / Côte d'Ivoire

Jean Saturnin Dio

Graduated from a Masters in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System, he is pursuing a thesis at Université Félix Houphouët Boigny. He took his first steps as an assistant in charge of studies (Atlas Project, BDAT, IMAGE) within the Mapping and GIS Department of the Ministère du Plan et du Développement de Côte d’Ivoire. Subsequently, he worked for Nitidæ on land use, carbon stocks, management plans, then for the National Forest and Wildlife Inventory project before joining the team for PAP BIO COMOE project monitoring&evaluation

Project Manager / Forest & REDD+ / Côte d'Ivoire

Virginie Vergnes

She holds a Master's degree in Science and Anthropology (Primatology) from the University of Montreal and has a background in environmental sciences. She has been working for several years in Africa (Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Liberia and Cameroon) on the themes of ecological monitoring, surveillance and forest governance, FLEGT, institutional, civil society and community capacity building, as well as on compensation measures in the context of mining extractions. She brings its expertise in particular to the support of sustainable and private forestry, forest governance and support to the management of protected areas

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Project manager for land use planning and monitoring and evaluation / Forest & REDD+ / Côte d'Ivoire

Mohamed Traoré

He holds a Master 2 in Management and Project and Program Management from the Institute of Campus Sciences in Burkina Faso and a Master 1 in Management Sciences from the University of Félix Houphouët Boigny in Côte d'Ivoire. Since 2015, he has held positions as a community mobilization consultant for Care International (Cocoa Life program funded by Mondelez International) and as a supervisor for Solidaridad West Africa on several programs. He joins the team on land use planning, monitoring and evaluation and community development

Remote sensing and GIS task officer / Forest & REDD+ / Côte d'Ivoire

Kouame Jean-Marc Kouman

Doctor in Plant Ecology from Jean Lorougnon Guede University, specialized in Biodiversity and sustainable management of ecosystems. He is a member of the Interdisciplinary Research Group in Landscape Ecology and the Environment (GRIEPE). He has a good knowledge of the natural reconstitution of post-cultivation vegetation and agroforestry. He is an expert in monitoring changes in land use by remote sensing and cartography, he brings his expertise to the Green Cell of the Mé region (Côte d'Ivoire). He is the author of numerous scientific publications

Task Officer / Forest & REDD+ / Côte d'Ivoire

Jacques Anzian Bilé

Currently in Master 2 research in physical geography and hie environment option physical geography and geomatics, he also has a higher technician diploma in IT option Computer Network and Communication. He has been assistant cartographer then land planning assistant on the F4F (Forest For Future) project

Project Manager / Forest & REDD+ / Côte d'Ivoire

Zoé Galliath

Agricultural engineer graduated from VetAgro Sup Clermont Ferrand (specialty: Engineering and eco-territorial development strategy). Since 2018 she has worked in Côte d'Ivoire in the recycling of plastic waste before joining the team in 2024 to coordinate development projects around the Mabi Yaya reserve

Environmental and Spatial Analyst / Forest & REDD+ / Mozambique

Sá Nogueira Lisboa

Earned a BSc in Forestry and an MSc in Biodiversity Conservation and Management of Tropical Ecosystems at Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique. His main research interest is forest dynamic, emphasizing ecological and human processes, trade-offs among ecosystem services and biodiversity. He has over five years of experience working with rural communities, NGOs, national governments, and international agencies. He brings his expertise in landscape-scale spatial modeling using innovative tools to address challenges related to land use change and environmental impacts.

GIS and IT development manager / Forest & REDD+ / Mozambique

Manuel Uiliamo

Holder of a master's degree in Control and Automation Engineering from the University of Sidi Bell Abbes - Algeria with strong skills in global IT. His training allowed him to acquire an excellent knowledge of a variety of programming languages and the basics of industrial electricity. He is also a motivational content creator with basic knowledge in audiovisual editing. On the LUCCIA project in Mozambique he was able to provide his expertise in computer programming and spatial analysis. Since January 2024, he has been working on the ACAMOZ 2 project as GIS and IT Development manager.

GIS, Remote Sensing and Carbon Project Manager / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Fety Abel Rakotomalala

Currently a PhD student, he holds a DEA of Physics, specialised in "geophysics, remote sensing and GIS" from the Faculty of Sciences of Antananarivo in Madagascar (IOGA). He brings his expertise to the impacts of deforestation, above-ground biomass mapping and scenario development of carbon emissions

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Responsible / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Jacques Jacques

A lawyer by training, he has more than 20 years of career as manager of development support and environmental education within Madagascar National Parks (Ankarana National Park). He joined the MADACANA du Nord team as head of Natural Resource Management Transfer to harmonize the purpose of the expected objectives with the expectations of partner peasant associations

Forest project manager / Agriculture & Market / Madagascar

Anicet Hermann

He holds a Master's degree in environmental sciences from ISSEDD (ex-GREEN) in Toamasina Barika University 5, year 2015. He joined the team in November 2018 on the Talaky project in Fort-Dauphin. His experience in ecology, sociology and sustainable development allows him to carry out his duties as Forest-Co-management Technician. Since October 2020, he has been in charge of the forestry, social and organization mission in MADANACA in the North of Madagascar

Project officer / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Jean-Marie Vianney Sibomana

A forestry graduate of the Agricultural and Forestry School of Nyamishaba (Rwanda) and holder of a certificate specialized in logging and wood processing in Madagascar, Jean-Marie brings his expertise for the design of forest plantation installation, the development-monitoring forest management plans and measuring social and environmental impacts

Monitoring and evaluation manager / Forest & REDD + / Madagascar

Tojonirina Nambinina Randriarisoa

Holder of a Master 2 in Rural Land and Land Management, of the Polytechnic School of Antananarivo and a master's degree in Mathematics Computer Science, from the Faculty of Sciences Fianarantsoa, he brings all his expertise on the Land Management activities and also supports local authorities in the implementation of local planning schemes

Project coordinator / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Christian Olivier Mahefa

Holder of a Specialized Higher Studies Diploma in Natural Resources Management and Environment (Option: Conservation Manager) and a Masters in Management Sciences, he has 20 years of experience in the management of Protected Areas (marine and terrestrial). He has held various positions providing him with solid experience in the field of administrative and financial management, budget and human resources management, advocacy, development of public or private partnerships and rural development

Project manager / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Eddie Rakotondrasoa

Holder of a specialized higher education diploma in environmental sciences from the Faculty of Sciences (University of Antananarivo), he brings his expertise in the field of conservation and management of projects financed by the AFD or the European Union. His skills are currently exercised in the Beampingaratsy forest corridor, a forest in the southern part of Madagascar, currently being converted into a New Protected Area as part of the Beampingaratsy National Protected Area project

Project Manager / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Ny Avy Andriamisaina

Forestry engineer, specialized on "Ecosystem and Biodiversity" and graduated from ESSA (Madagascar), she joined the team with her skills in biodiversity conservation, forest management and natural resources management. With her experience in assessing threats to protected areas, TNRM (Transfer of Natural Resources Management) and community support in conservation, she contributes to the implementation of different projects.

Project manager / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Ibrahim Figuelia

Graduated with a Master 2 in agro-management, he holds also a Master 1 in agricultural entomology and management of useful and harmful insects and a License in agro-management and environment. He is certified as an assistant master trainer in FBS (Farmer Business School) in Africa. In the Anosy region, he works on afforestation/reforestation

Activity manager / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Jean Michel Nangalana

He holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, option basic scientific and technical knowledge and networks and systems and is currently training remotely in communication at the National Center for Tele-education in Madagascar. He has worked since 2011 in community relations and socio-organisational, as a trainer and facilitator

Activity manager / Agriculture & Market / Madagascar

Manahira Normand Andriamananarivo

He holds a degree in management, business organization option, and has more than 16 years of experience in the field of rural development

Accounting Assistant / Madagascar

Lalaohariniaina Razafindrasata

He holds a degree in accounting and finance management from the National Center for Tele-education in Madagascar. He has 15 years of experience in various projects as an administrative, financial and logistics assistant. He joined the team to bring his rigor and practicality to the TALAKY project

Environmental Education Facilitator / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Razafindralaha Rower Belaza

Multi-skilled technician specialized in all development sectors. He joined the team in January 2019. He has held various positions, including land use planning technician, territorial mediator and facilitator, then environmental education technician

Technical Manager in Natural Resource Management / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Thierry Rafanohizantsoa

He holds a DEA in Biodiversity and Environment from the University of Toliara, which involved research on the conservation status of a dozen endemic, rare and threatened plant species in the Mandrare valley in the south of Madagascar. He was a student at the ValBio Center at Stony Brook University, then head of the Honko-Reef Doctor project in the Ambondrolava mangrove. He was also project manager for social protection for the Madagascar Development Intervention Fund (FID)

Technical Manager in Biodiversity and Protected Areas / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Fabien Zikisà Benedicte

He holds a Master's degree in Zoology and Animal Biodiversity from the University of Antananarivo (Madagascar) obtained in 2017. Between 2018 and 2020, he was a research assistant for several Protected Areas. Then from 2021 to 2022, he was chief of operations in charge of conservation activities at the level of the Kirindy Mite National Park and the Andranomena Special Reserve

Ecological monitoring assistant / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Tinarinoro Patricia Randriamialisoa

Forestry technician trained at the National Training Center for Forestry Technicians in Angavokely organized by the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development. This training allowed her to improve her skills in terms of ecological monitoring

Database manager / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Manda Fifaliana Rafalimanana

Holder of a Master 2 in land security and territorial planning from the Ecole Supérieur Polytechnique d'Antananarivo, he also completed a scientific career, Master I in applied mathematics from the Faculty of Sciences of Antananarivo. He joined the team by contributing to the implementation of land planning activities. He brings his expertise in the management of the cashew sector database as well as the monitoring and evaluation of Madanaca project activities

Ecological monitoring assistant / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Alberto Mahatiritse Ramarolahy

He holds a master's degree in Geography from the University of Toliara and has more than 8 years of experience in the field of Natural Resources and Risk Management. Within the team, he was a forestry technician before becoming an ecological monitoring assistant

Environmental education technician/ Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Arnet Lambo

Graduated in Law from the University of Fianarantsoa in Madagascar, he first worked in the field of child and maternal health in the Androy and Anosy regions. In 2015, he joined the team of the NGO Seed Madagascar on Health, Population and Environment, in the Fort-Dauphin district. In 2019, he joined the team as a territorial planning technician for the TALAKY project then as an environmental education technician for the BNPA project

Activity manager / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Zikô Razafimahatratra

He holds a degree in agronomy, agriculture course from the Higher Institute of Technology of the University of Tuléar. He has 5 years of experience in the field of development, land use planning and agriculture. He joined the team in 2019

Activity manager / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Monja Zafimandimbisoa Noelson Christian Behenja

He graduated with a master's degree in natural sciences with a plant biology option from the faculty of science at the University of Toliara in Madagascar. Between 2019 and 2023, he worked on the dissemination of innovative agro-ecological techniques and seed production with the NGO Center Technique Agro-ecologique du Sud as part of the Afafi Sud project led by GRET. He then joined the team on the Fanarenana reforestation component of the RTNS project

value chain and gender technical assistant / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Michelle Robertha Razafindramarakoma

She holds a degree in environmental science with an option in management and conservation of the natural environment. She worked in forest management at Asity (Bird Protection League) in Fort Dauphin in 2016 and then was hired on the Talaky project in 2020 as a value chain, territory and gender technician

Natural Resources Technician / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Loubien Octave Miharisoa

He holds a bachelor's degree. He has several experiences as regional facilitator of the Madagascar Pact, technical facilitator of the PHBM or even investigator in public hearings of Rio Tinto Madagascar Minerals. He also worked for WWF as a field officer on the PHCF1 project. He then joined the team as a technician in land planning, forestry, co-management and management of natural resources for the conservation of the New Protected Area of Beampingaratsy.

Forestry Technician / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Alexis Mara

He holds a Bachelor's degree in animal biology from the University of Tuléar and has 34 years of experience including 20 years in biodiversity (fauna and flora) and 14 years in the field of rural agricultural development.

Responsible for the Landscape and Forest Restoration component / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Miarintsoa Rakotondrabe

Forest engineer graduated from the Higher School of Agronomic Sciences - Department: Water and Forests - University of Antananarivo (Madagascar) and graduated with a Master 2 in Development, Environment and Society within the Faculty of Economic, Social, Political and of communication Catholic University of Louvain (Louvain La Neuve - Belgium).

Project coordinator / Forest & REDD+ / Cameroon

Ludovic Ndangatchana

Graduate of a professional Master's degree in forestry science, forest audit and certification option and a Master's degree in Biology and physiology of plant organisms: botany ecology specialty obtained at the University of Yaoundé in Cameroon, he has accumulated several years of experience in the implementation of community conservation projects for natural resources on the outskirts of the Dja wildlife reserve in Eastern Cameroon